I had my 21st on 2nd feb at sizzler for dinner and my house for afters. It was good to share my time with my friends, i love you all! It's so weird being 21, more responsibilities and I think my parents haven't accepted the fact that I'm not their lil girl anymore. I hope this year is gonna be a good start and may I be able to find peace and happiness.Got lots of pink presies and of course lots of eiffel tower stuff =D so fantastic!!! i love my presents. Had 7 shots of jager in a short period of time..man that wasn't a good move. i felt so sick but it was awesome at the same time. apparently I kept saying that I'm not drunk and wanted to sleep with someone. Man...alcohol does that to people. But overall I had a fantastic night =D
Thanks to everyone who came to celebrate my adulthood.

Angelica stayed over at my house and she ended up sleeping on the couch with chipoo. chipoo was really tired the next day coz he didn't get much sleep so was I. I was feeling so sick the whole night..was gonna puke. Man..i hate that feeling. But got what deserved. ended up sleeping for about 2 hours and woke up at 7. Watched some random shows on TV. Had massive headache, stupid hungover! then went back to sleep after lunch, richie was sleeping with me as well. Still had headache after i woke up from my nap but its all good.

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